New Mother

New Mother
New Mommy & Baby- Enlightened Birth & Doula Services

Monday, September 15, 2014

Real Footage of Developing Fetus Inside Womb! It may not be everyone's Cup of Tea, but Very Scientific!

I love this, simply because it shows real footage inside womb, not saying that it is easy to watch, sometimes these type of photos and video, can look scary to some moms. I understand completely.

No worries, if it's your type of video, enjoy it!

I just like it because of the science behind it, also I found it fascinating that you can hear everything very clearly inside the womb! So, it's something to consider!

Much Love,

Thursday, August 14, 2014

MOTHER FIGHTS BACK, AFTER FORCED C-SECTION, Patient Right # 6, The Right To Refuse Treatment

During the process of giving birth, Rinat Dray was in a vulnerable position. While trying to cope with labor contractions, she was wheeled to an operating room for a c-section, against her will. She is not a criminal; she is a mother. Yet her baby was forcibly cut out of her body during an invasive cesarean surgery, forced on her despite her refusal to consent and verbal outward cries for medical staff and Doctors to "Stop" the procedure and the mothers pleas. One can only shudder at the thought of being in such a terrible place.... 

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Great Food Guide, for Pregnant Women Who Need To Eat a Lower Fat Diet

Saturday, August 02, 2014
3:06 AM

This is a great example of a sensible food pyramid for a pregnant mother who requires a lower animal fat diet, eg, someone who is struggling with gall bladder or digestive issues. In general women in pregnancy will need a higher level of protein- in this case, they'll have to make it up with many types of legumes, dark greens and lower fat meats. If you'd like a healthier way to eat during pregnancy, taking childbirth classes like the ones we provide here at Enlightened Birth & Doula Services may help you better plan your diet and meals. We focus on preventative nutrition, which has proven extremely successful over the years. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Monday, July 7, 2014

PKU, what is it? Vital Information about the "NBS" New Born Screening Test

Sickle-Cell: 1 of the tests in the "PKU" (Phenylketonuria test) or NBS "New Born Screening Test, tests for the presence of Sickle Cell Anemia- the "sickle" cells are the ones that are not round. As you see here. Anemia is: a condition marked by a deficiency (lack of) of red blood cells or of hemoglobin (the protein which helps carry oxygen in our blood), resulting in pallor (an unhealthy pale appearance) and weariness (tiredness).

Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Importance of Essential Fatty Acids, Omega 3 and Omega 6, DHA, EPA and ALA

Omega-3 fatty acids are "good fats," and are among the most important nutrients lacking in Americans' diet today and one of the biggest missing nutrients in a pregnant woman's diet. 
As well a new borns and toddlers diet. 

DHA is the most abundant omega-3 fat in our brains. And, because our bodies don't efficiently make DHA, we need to eat foods rich in this important nutrient in order to keep our brains functioning optimally. However, because our food is generally so processed, toxic and not properly grown and allowed to ripen, like many nutrients, it is mostly not attained at all. 

Omega-3 fatty acids, such as DHA, are vital part of every cell in the body. Research suggests
omega-3s can help...
Feed the brain. 
DHA specifically plays a role in how well cells can communicate with each other. 
There actions may help with memory, clear thinking and may offer a protective effect against age-related memory loss, including Alzheimer's disease and dementia
Lower risk of heart disease (when part of a healthy lifestyle)
Lower triglyceride levels
Help improve memory
Fight inflammation in the body
Improve blood flow through the arteries and slow the building of plaque inside arteries
Keep blood vessels nimble and flexible
Decrease blood pressure and maintain a steady heart rate
Curb or lessen symptoms of postpartum depression, manic depression, bipolar disease and seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
Keep optimal eye health and reduce the risk for age-related vision problems
Reduce soreness and tenderness of joints in people with rheumatoid arthritis
When you see omega-3, it's important to realize that not all omegas are created equal. This chart explains the difference between DHA, EPA and ALA
Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)

DHA is a long chain omega-3 fatty acid important for brain and eye development and function throughout life. It also supports heart health. DHA is the most abundant omega-3 in the brain and retina and is naturally found in breast milk.
Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA)
EPA is a long-chain omega-3 fatty acid important for overall health. However, unlike DHA, the body does not store EPA in significant quantities in the brain or retina (DHA is found in every cell throughout the body, EPA is not).

Alpha-linolenic Acid (ALA)
ALA, an essential fatty acid (EFA), is a shorter-chain omega-3 that
serves as a source of energy and as a building block for long-chain
omega-3 fatty acids (DHA and EPA).

According to this doctor chart, this is the breakdown. Although I'd have to verify this more thoroughly it looks pretty accurate. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Non Toxic Solutions To Freshening Your Indoor Air

Toxic chemicals found in common household air fresheners are a serious hazard to your family's health. Protect your family with simple solutions that still keep your house smelling clean. 

Now, I can't even imagine spraying a home full of  "X brand" flower bouquet toxic air freshener, while a baby is crawling around, or worse, in a daycare where several to tens of children are playing, or inside a classroom! Although I've witnessed all of these growing up. My mother used to spray the entire house with Glade, from bathroom to living room. She lit several scented candles and used the plugins, yup! Truly toxic. I think the reason I didn't have more coughing fits, dizziness and sinus issues, was because she kept the windows open at all times.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Why “It’s No Big Deal” Doesn't Cut It Anymore – Common Household Toxins and Safeguarding Your Babies From Them

Research has shown that toxins in homes are not only abundant, but also are “*bio-accumulative” and because the substances are carried by various products that are commonly found in the home, it makes exposure to them much more hazardous and harmful to our health at a faster rate. 

Babies, Pets and Children alike will be more prone to exposure to such harmful chemicals, as their body sizes are smaller than an adult human. Thus the labeling “keep out of reach of children” is more significant than any of us may realize, as it doesn't imply a child has to consume something for it to be harmful to him! Even just the amount of aerial contamination after we've cleaned our homes from top to bottom with common household bought brands, is a significant source of concern for all of us! And the surface contaminants on tables, chairs, counter-tops, floors and carpets can be overwhelming control.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A Little Light in a Dark World of Excessive Intervention

Many of you who are local, have heard of the famous Dr. Ronald Wu, he is the head of obstetrics at Glendale Adventist hospital. He is one of the the extremely few doctors who know how to do manual procedures and get women out of a c-section when there seems to be "no other solution". The problem lays in the fact that, unfortunately Doctors, as in OB/GYN's are no longer very well- if at all trained to do manual procedures, they are only and exclusively trained to cut women open and do c-sections. Now there are times, when a c-section is absolutely life saving, there is not doubt about this.

However, excuses for c-setions are abundant. Let me tell you this little secret, almost ANY "situation" that has become an easy excuse to c-section someone has a manual solution. That's right, there IS in fact safe an alternative technology for most issues, even "alarming" issues, such as a cord prolapse, and breech babies, etc.

Believe you me, it IS possible. As us Latinos say sometimes "Si Se Puede!". So don't get overwhelmed by the barrage of false reasons and "precautions" why a c-section is the "only" way or a v-bac is "so dangerous", etc. Just believe me when I tell you, with the correct education, information, with the properly trained professionals who are competent in the procedures called for, you can achieve a vaginal delivery,which will save your body from major surgery and a longer more painful recovery and will save your uterus for a safer future vaginal delivery without so many restrictions as unfortunately come with a VBAC- at least restrictions on paper and per hospital policy.

Back to Dr. Wu.
Doctor Wu is amazing, he helped us last week to achieve a vaginal delivery in a case where another doctor would of suggested a "quick c-section". He told me once, after many many years of knowing him that he takes the brightest Doctor of the residents that come through Glendale Adventist and gets them as trained and educated on manual procedures as he can before they move on.

He told me in this past birth he has a dream to one day find a humanitarian, benefactor, who would allow him and us to focus on vaginal delivery only, no surgery. He'd like to work with and train midwives and doctors to do all the things he knows how to do. I really liked that. So I thought I'd pass it on for the rest of you.

Now don't get me wrong, the wonderful Doctor Wu is still very much an MD and has the usual MD philosophies on epidurals and augmentation, etc. But he is amazing at achieving what others can't in regards to attaining a vaginal delivery. And just a diamond in the rough- in terms of the current society of surgery we live in today. Anyway, Hip, Hip, Hooray! Dr. Wu. Thank you for all your help.
It was a good birth last week.

I hope he's with us locally here, for many, many, many more years to come!

Much Love, Your Blogger, Student Midwife, Doula

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Sharing My Review Of Kaiser Woodland Hills

Pretty OK. Went in with client early in labor this week. Midwife took us in, kinda rough with her internal exams. Over all the birth was OK, they gave us many freedoms, almost didn't fight everything my client requested. The nurse helping us was very helpful. My client achieve natural birth of a very large baby, no drugs, and no unnecessary interventions. But it was a tough birth and we did have to make some decisions to safeguard her birth experience, we left and came back, because we could see there was going to be some excessive or unnecessary interventions had we stayed there. Overall, experience was certainly better than with other Kaisers I've been to, and other births I've had at this Kaiser.
Spaces were very cramped and we happen to have gone in on apparently the worst day- due to a ridiculous number of births happening all at once. The good thing, is we were able to birth basically by ourselves and at the end with nurse- which actually made the experience BETTER, not worse. LOL. Doctor came in at the tail end, and she was very supportive of my clients birth plan, even though not a midwife. So there you go. Just wish they had more amenities for guests, water, coffee, showers, etc. And certainly don't recommend coming in unprepared with a thorough birth plan and bringing a support person is a MUST. DON'T COME IN EARLY!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Alternative Protein

I'm not a vegetarian, but I've started to replace some of my animal proteins with some vegan ones. I've found there are many delicious ideas that can be quickly and easily made. I'm created this simple salad out of two ingredients. Fresh crispy kale and gala apples. Simply chop the kale finely into strips for easier chewing. And slice the apples very thinly as well. Throw on a little salt, pepper and some rice wine vinegar and olive oil. You will have a delightful, refreshing salad packed with nutrients that you can savor while pregnant or breastfeeding. Enjoy!

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Good Midwife

Watching this incredibly addictive show on Netflix called "Call The Midwife" produced, I believe by the BBC, has lead me on an incredible search of some of the techniques used in the show, all this lost technology even from as recently as the 1940's made me a little sad. All these things that actually have worked for years that were lost along the hospitalization of birth, incredibly useful things such as how to deliver a breech baby and how to resolve a cord prolapse, have been successful techniques that were used in emergencies for many, many years. The question is WHY would anyone limit midwives and the Midwife license to not be able to learn, practice and use these techniques in a time of emergency?

The answer I believe is total power and control by the AMA, for many years it has been said that the AMA- American Medical Association, will "never" support midwifes in any way, specially because they are under an entirely separate licensing body. And will do everything in their power to shut down anything they don't control 100%. Sounds "paranoid"? Probably, is it true though? Yes. Unfortunately, not to be the harbinger of bad tidings or not trying to be negative as is a favorite word in my field, I have to say, you must be pretty naive if you do not know this information and you are in fact a Midwife or a Doula. Having aided in the fighting of restrictive rules and regulations, while working with a prominent birthing center in Sherman Oaks, for over 10 years, and the same in Silverlake / Atwater / and Los Feliz- since 1994. I would say you are missing a lot of information in you don't see the trend. The trend being that the Midwifery License for California and Midwifes across the US, gets smaller and smaller in scope of practice, more restricted and more contrived. The same is said for the expectations regarding Doulas. Doulas are "not recommended" to do, this entire list of items, which in my opinion and in anyone who is trained enough to see's opinion, are essentially needed to safeguard a mother and child when laboring at home- not delivering- laboring. The certification provided by DONA only supports a Doula as a Labor Coach, essentially. This in my opinion is not good enough. I'm a Certified Advanced Midwifery Assistant, Certified Master Doula by ACHI and a Student Midwife, the level of trained I've had helps me to better services the client. I wish more Doulas were to train as thoroughly. In my opinion, it's essential.

These restrictions are not productive to an educated field of practitioners by any means.

I am formulating a plan, to crack this problem, to open up the field of Midwifery. More independent licensing means should be available, all to meet the same standard of excellence in care. Doulas should be allowed more training as they so choose- not enforced- allowed to practice to the level they are in fact trained. Midwifery Assistants should be provided a recognized Federal license, as we are in fact similarly trained to RN's and have extensive natural birth training which Nurses do not have, unless they have themselves had home births or had some external training, as some of my classmates did while I was going through mine.

Anyway, there is more coming on this.

I am just now formulating a plan in my head.

Stay tuned.

Much Love, Claudia - Owner
Enlightened Birth and Doula Services.
Certified Advanced Midwifery Assistant/ Certified Master Doula & Student Midwife

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Anyone Using Thumbtack?

I've been using this new review site called Thumbtack, it's pretty cool. It promises to hook up service providers with potential customers. If any of you wonderful mommies that I've serviced happen to be on Thumbtack, I would really appreciate a review and your wonderful words of trust and help to any mothers that may be interested in hiring me as their provider.

Here is a link.

Thank you so much!

Thumbtack profile for Enlightened Birth Services. Enlightened Birth Services- Thumbtack Profile