New Mother

New Mother
New Mommy & Baby- Enlightened Birth & Doula Services

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A Little Light in a Dark World of Excessive Intervention

Many of you who are local, have heard of the famous Dr. Ronald Wu, he is the head of obstetrics at Glendale Adventist hospital. He is one of the the extremely few doctors who know how to do manual procedures and get women out of a c-section when there seems to be "no other solution". The problem lays in the fact that, unfortunately Doctors, as in OB/GYN's are no longer very well- if at all trained to do manual procedures, they are only and exclusively trained to cut women open and do c-sections. Now there are times, when a c-section is absolutely life saving, there is not doubt about this.

However, excuses for c-setions are abundant. Let me tell you this little secret, almost ANY "situation" that has become an easy excuse to c-section someone has a manual solution. That's right, there IS in fact safe an alternative technology for most issues, even "alarming" issues, such as a cord prolapse, and breech babies, etc.

Believe you me, it IS possible. As us Latinos say sometimes "Si Se Puede!". So don't get overwhelmed by the barrage of false reasons and "precautions" why a c-section is the "only" way or a v-bac is "so dangerous", etc. Just believe me when I tell you, with the correct education, information, with the properly trained professionals who are competent in the procedures called for, you can achieve a vaginal delivery,which will save your body from major surgery and a longer more painful recovery and will save your uterus for a safer future vaginal delivery without so many restrictions as unfortunately come with a VBAC- at least restrictions on paper and per hospital policy.

Back to Dr. Wu.
Doctor Wu is amazing, he helped us last week to achieve a vaginal delivery in a case where another doctor would of suggested a "quick c-section". He told me once, after many many years of knowing him that he takes the brightest Doctor of the residents that come through Glendale Adventist and gets them as trained and educated on manual procedures as he can before they move on.

He told me in this past birth he has a dream to one day find a humanitarian, benefactor, who would allow him and us to focus on vaginal delivery only, no surgery. He'd like to work with and train midwives and doctors to do all the things he knows how to do. I really liked that. So I thought I'd pass it on for the rest of you.

Now don't get me wrong, the wonderful Doctor Wu is still very much an MD and has the usual MD philosophies on epidurals and augmentation, etc. But he is amazing at achieving what others can't in regards to attaining a vaginal delivery. And just a diamond in the rough- in terms of the current society of surgery we live in today. Anyway, Hip, Hip, Hooray! Dr. Wu. Thank you for all your help.
It was a good birth last week.

I hope he's with us locally here, for many, many, many more years to come!

Much Love, Your Blogger, Student Midwife, Doula

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