Natural Recipe For Killing Cockroaches "Roach Balls"
As you may agree, natural health is an all encompassing lifestyle for some of us. I try to keep pesticides away from my home as much as possible. My Husband found this very effective recipe on line and it got rid of roaches for us in a FEW days!
I can't guarantee it will work the same for you, but I believe it will help tremendously.
Other reasons roaches persist are, food or other left overs of many things which are edible items to them including: Skin dander, hair, cardboard, paper, etc.
Because of this, I recommend a thorough deep cleaning, a strict cleaning routine, as in a thorough periodic cleaning every week, including behind and under furniture, moping floor fully- not just wet wiping floors. Washing carpets with natural soaps on a cyclic schedule, as in every few months or at least twice a year. As well as routine de-kludge (getting rid of old things, getting rid of unneeded items, bags, cardboard, paper, things in storage boxes, etc.) Anything which attracts the attention of many a pest.
This also helps you clear your mind as well and open up your space- for lack of a better word- to other new things coming into your life. I've always found it very therapeutic. I do it every six month or so, if the house has been particularly busy or has had extra use so to speak, as in guests or extra activity, I do it every 3 months.
I hope this helps to rid you of some nasty little critters.
Much Love,
Boric Acid
Confectioners (Powdered) Sugar
- Mix 50/50 flour and boric acid. Sprinkle in some confectioners sugar (about 1/4 of the amount of flour used). Make a dough by adding in water, don’t make it runny.
- Roll the dough into small marble sized balls and place them in corners, dark cupboards, behind heavy appliances, along floor boards and around the garbage.
Within a month the critters should be gone.
If the infestation is particularly bad:
- Double the effort by making a mix of 50/50 boric acid and brown sugar then pour the mixture in a thick line around the entire room and entrance ways. The roaches will get the stuff on their bodies and carry it back to the nest. Once there is no trace of the pest left (usually within the month), vacuum up the powder.
Keep away from children and pets. If you have little ones running around, keep the balls behind furniture and heavy appliances and inside cupboards.
More tips:
- You can also use Borax as a substitute for the boric acid, but the boric acid is more effective.
- Replace old, hardened balls with fresh ones as needed.
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