Hard to believe that anyone believes that vaccines only affect the fraction of human life they claim to affect, rather than a much larger number as would seem rational considering that the Federal Government has had to establish a "special trust" just to cover the overwhelming human damages by vaccines! And considering that vaccine manufacturers have managed to shed the liability of the damages they cause by being granted special government pardons and privileges. I would say this fact alone says enough about the factual effect of vaccines on the human body without even getting into the overwhelming scientific debat-er (debate-banter coined together.) that inevitably ensues every time someone asks me in an open forum "should we vaccinate?". I generally do not advice people to vaccinate or not vaccinate on MY personal beliefs, or in fact advice them on anything based on my personal philosophies, one thing which tends to stand out about my childbirth classes, I think, for most couples, from what I have heard. If someone were to ask me how "I" feel, I would honestly say, I don't think I would vaccinates my children, unless I'm going to be traveling the world, or heading to India or Central America. Since my personal philosophy involves respecting the child as you would any adult, I also won't be circumcising or making such personal choices for my child. You may think that's very "hippy" of me, being a Student Midwife and all, but you are wrong. I just don't think my children will "belong" to me. I would never consider them an extension of me and thus would try to provide them as much personal choice as can be permitted by the circumstances.
And believe me, I know what lays on the shoulders of every deciding couple, the new mother and father, scared or at least concerned about their new child's welfare. With the scary information about how such and such horrible thing happened to an un-vaccinated child as well as a the vaccinated one, parents must be feeling intense societal pressure.
All I can tell you is, do your own research, try to get as many FACTS as possible. And be LOGICAL.
One of the things that stick out in my mind about vaccines is the damages fund. It really kinda makes me ponder on it. I've seen it referred to in a vaccine disclosure at "1" hospital only, here in Hollywood (Los Angeles), California. And it was a a LARGE HMO hospital that gave the information to one of my parents. Very nonchalantly at that! The flier said something to tune of "how wonderful and safe" vaccines were, for the most part of two pages, than on the right, bottom corner it said something like "by the way, you are forfeiting your rights to sue us and the vaccine maker if you choose to vaccinate, however if your child gets damaged by vaccines, here's the number and website for this special Federal trust fund for damages due to vaccines, etc.".
First of all there is the scary fact that such a disclosure is needed.
Secondly, there is the scary fact that I have only seen it a "1" ONE hospital. Why are the rest of the hospitals NOT handing this out to parents???
I've deduced it to this. Since we're NEVER going to get a CLEAN, TRUE study produced by Big Pharma, and every time the little guy manages to fund an independent vaccine study, it is proven that Big Pharma has a lot more money to spend. Not just on funding Studies but on buying Lobbies and Lobbyist, it is only common sense that going about it this way is a waste of money, time and effort for the good guy. Unless we are only to use such studies as a personal reference. As the endless amounts of propaganda by Big Pharma and Special Interests are endless. It is clear we must find another way to spread the truth.
One way would be to invoke and ensure that the government does NOT and cannot enforce vaccines in any manner, as it being a personal choice, we must retain the Right to Refuse due to Religion and OR Personal Belief, not just religion, we should have the RIGHT to refuse as informed consumers. It is astonishing to me that anyone would try to rebuke that right.
It is clear that if vaccines were as effective as they are promoted to be, that you would not see infected people with diseases they have been "vaccinated" for. Yes I understand there are different strains of the disease which could mutate, which is exactly the reason why vaccines are a mute point, in the first place, at least currently the way the are made. And yes, I understand the science behind them- Herd Immunity and all. Which looks great at first glance, however, just like many types of Government which look appealing at first glance, once you read the fine print and get down to who's going to be doing what, soon after lose their shine.
Vaccines based on initial scientific theories which are flawed because to quote an Amazing movie that doesn't deserve to be connected to this trashy argument... "Life Will Find A Way", and sure enough it always does. As if we haven't learned yet, from our extensive over use of antibiotics, that bugs mutate and our extensive and aggressive pressure to c-section mothers that all interventions are not helpful nor provide long term survival to us humans, just because they are "preventive measures".
We will eventually perhaps learn that the "nutty people who don't vaccinate"- that being me and whoever else is on my "wavelength" to use a 60's word- were actually right.
In regards to "Herd Immunity" Food for Thought: In order for this theory to be accurate- You would need to take into consideration the numerous variables in the general populace which are basically endless, But here are some super basic things to look at:
A.) The damage to the personal immune system of each person and neurological damage to the body after vaccines. Making the person more prone to disease. ( Could it be said that it is worth the risk and long term effect?)
B.) What would you do about people who naturally are born or predisposed with weaker immune systems, allergic reactions, sensitives and already have some neurological damage or genetic conditions. (Their reaction to vaccines is likely to be more damaging if not alarming.)
C.) Inherent allergic reactions. (Reactions to vaccine components could be as alarming as death!) You may think that the "small percentage" of dead children are worth it. But what about the parents of the child who doesn't make it? Will they think it was worth it?
And the most unpredictable of all points...
D.) Life mutates. The bugs and viruses may be the "bad guys" in our little biological ecosystem, but they are in FACT trying to survive, and survive the best they can they will! Whether we want them to or not!
The right solution although it may seem naive of me. Would be to have the body naturally evolve into an immunity that will help it survive better not just in short term but the long term. And find a way to reduce the livelihood of bugs and viruses without the big cost of making the body toxic or compromising it's neurological ability and own natural immunity.
I know this is a problem for a few geniuses to solve. But I think we should get started on solving it.
The masses will always be led by propaganda, it is unlikely you will get past the innate ability to ignore common sense.
We as natural birthers, natural parents, natural practitioners will be attacked by western medicine until the cows come home. It is no secret they intend to keep medicine were it makes big profits.
Which includes the construction of very large facilities, the sale of very expensive machines, and the pushing of very expensive drugs and the paraphernalia for them.
If you have an idea on how we can move past this and enhance or protect the health of the population, please do spread your ideas around!
I hope this brought you something to consider.
Best Wishes and Much Love,
Claudia P. Silva